We all know that teaching is one of the most rewarding, and most challenging, careers out there! It is so important to have some healthy snacks for teachers to boost your energy and keep you going throughout the school year. Whether you need to store them in your desk drawer or you have room for a mini-fridge or microwave in your classroom, make sure to pack some healthy snack ideas to keep you going! Also, these might be a great idea for a small teacher gift throughout the school year for teachers and school administrators who could use an extra boost.

Healthy Snacks for Teachers: Morning
Many times, you may have a long stretch between your morning breakfast at home and school lunch. Make sure to pack a good snack that you can snack on during recess or specials time. Fresh fruit is a simple perfect snack to grab when you have little time during the day. Slice up some fruit on Sunday afternoon and pack it up in individual serving bags or containers for the week. Having healthy snack options like fruit will keep you from grabbing junk food like candy bars from the vending machine in the teacher’s lounge.
A green apple with almond butter, veggie sticks of carrots and celery with cream cheese dip, or fruit cups with no added sugar, along with a full water bottle are all great food choices for a quick morning snack.

Healthy Snacks for Teachers: Lunch
If you are like me, your lunch time may really be more like an extended snack time! Let’s be honest..by the time you run kids to wash hands, drop them off in the lunchroom, and run to the restroom yourself, there’s little time left. If this is the case for you, simple healthy meals are key. Here are a few of my favorites to throw into the lunch bag:

- Try some options from Trader Joes, if you need a quick frozen option. Consider their Vegetable Burritos, Ricotta and Spinach Tortellini, Chicken Fried Rice or Chicken and Vegetable Wonton Soup.
- Prep some whole grain rice or brown rice pasta in the evening or on the weekend to last the week. Add some simple steamed veggies and rotisserie chicken with soy sauce or coconut aminos for a simple healthy recipe for stir fry.
- I love turkey and cheese sandwiches, but if you are looking for a low carb option for the school day, try the Mission Brand Low Carb Spinach and Herb Tortillas with thin sliced turkey, skim milk cheese, arugula and spicy mustard. Pair that with some sweet potato chips or carrots with hummus for a filling lunch box option.
- Mason Jars of salad makes a full meal with little prep and clean up involved. Put your favorite dressing in the bottom of the jar and then place sturdier veggies like carrots, celery, cucumbers and peppers. Add some beans or grains next with cheese and proteins next. Last include softer veggies/fruits like tomatoes or strawberries. Then, add nuts or sunflower seeds with lettuce at the very top. When you are ready to serve, pour into a serving dish and mix well. These can last several days in the fridge for easy prep. My favorite combo is spicy Ranch, peppers, black beans, tomatoes, crispy onion strips, rotisserie chicken and arugula. It makes a perfect full meal with important nutrients, one of my personal favorites!
- A simple lunch option that takes little prep time and offers plenty of different flavors are buying some cans of soup on your next trip to the grocery story. I love having these in my pantry to grab on the way out, and they can stay hot in a thermos for hours during the school day. My kids love having soup in a variety of flavors to give them a change of pace from the normal PB&J during the school year.
Healthy Snacks for Teachers: Afternoon Snack

If you are like me, you may have a little sweet tooth that needs to be satisfied by the afternoon dismissal bell, before those after school meetings. One of my easy “snack recipes” is some vanilla Greek yogurt with walnuts and dark chocolate chips. If you are looking for a chocolate chip option during a weight loss period, try the ones from Lily’s. Such yummy snacks!
Another afternoon snack option is a simple trail mix. Try combining a handful of nuts, raisins, chocolate chips, and dried cereal for a quick pick me up. Another classic choice is to have some crunchy rice cakes with some delicious sharp cheddar or peanut butter. I also keep beef jerky sticks on hand for my son when he comes to my classroom at the end of the day. It’s the first thing he asks for when he walks through the door! My daughter likes to grab protein bars, especially anything with peanut butter flavors. The only downside of those can be the sugar, so make sure to shop and compare before you purchase.
Whatever healthy snacks for teachers that you choose, make sure you are drinking plenty of water in the classroom. All that teaching and talking can really dehydrate you, so make sure to stay hydrated all day long! Wondering what to eat for your dinner when you get home? Try some of my favorite slow cooker meals:
Slow Cooker Chicken Tortilla Soup
Thanks for reading and best wishes for a fantastic school year!

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